
Writing Speculative Fiction

w/ Kaaron Warren and J.S. Breukelaar

Speculative fiction is a universe unto itself. How do you navigate this widely popular genre without losing your way? In this new and innovative course, you will learn from two leading writers in the genre as you discover the ins and outs of writing outside the realms of the ordinary.

Wednesdays 6.30pm – 8.30pm (AEDT), 30 April – 18 June 2025

$820 / $697 alumni

Over eight weeks, you will learn the foundational concepts of speculative fiction genres – including science fiction, horror and fantasy. The foundational lessons will lead into deeper cuts, covering all aspects of craft and structure as they pertain specifically to the speculative fiction writer.

What makes for effective world building? How do you craft characters that can move in these worlds? How do you craft an entirely fictional setting in a way that will convince readers that it is lived-in and real?

You will be provided with a diverse range of historical examples, as well as examples from contemporary international writing. Rich with successful texts from the canon, this course will get you reading widely in ways that will strengthen your own writing.

Presented by Australia’s leading independent publishing house, and taught by two multi-award-winning authors, J. S. Breukelaar and Kaaron Warren, Writing Speculative Fiction is a fantastic introduction to the genre, and the longer Writing a Speculative Fiction Novel program commencing in July. During this time, your tutors will provide you with:

  • Feedback on ~2,000 words of your work-in-progress, delivered through whole-class workshops.
  • Regular online classes covering everything from research, narrative structure and style.
  • The ability to connect with fellow committed spec fic novelists, building a close-knit community of trusted readers.

This is a chance to enhance your understanding of the speculative fiction genre, while receiving rolling feedback on your writing through targeted writing exercises. The course is designed for you to get ready to launch into working on a full-length project, venturing with confidence out into the unknown.

Writers you'll be working with:

Kaaron Warren

Shirley Jackson award-winner Kaaron Warren published her first short story in 1993 and has had fiction in print every year since. She was recently given the Peter McNamara Lifetime Achievement Award and was Guest of Honour at World Fantasy 2018, Stokercon 2019 and Geysercon 2019.  She has also been Guest of Honour at Conflux in…

J.S. Breukelaar

J.S. Breukelaar is an Australian-American author living in Sydney. She is the author of three novels, most recently The Bridge, and two collections of short stories, in addition to essays, poems and fiction appearing in numerous publications and several Years Bests. Her work has won or been a finalist for multiple national and international awards,…

Course outline

8 x Wednesday evening sessions, 6.30-8.30 pm ADST

Session 1: Wednesday 30 April

Introduction: Overview of genre, conventions, influences and approaches. Where do you fit in? Novels or short stories? Students will get an opportunity to discuss stumbling blocks in their practice or ideas, and to set their intentions for the next eight weeks.

  • Course outline, goals, materials
  • Discussion of stumbling blocks in ideas and practice
  • Discussion of workshopping protocol

Session 2: Wednesday 7 May

Crafting Characters: Character is everything in Spec. Fic. And we mean everything.  We will look at how to put flesh on the bones of your great ideas and manage the relationships between your human characters and others to ensure your writing is believable.

  • Understanding your characters’ needs and desires
  • Making sure your secondary characters have impact
  • Point of view

Session 3: Wednesday 14 May

Setting as character: World building at the intersection of place and time, at the crossroads of superstition and science, and at the juncture of fantasy and reality.

  • Establishing the logic of your world
  • When to stop researching and start writing
  • How to absorb description into story

Session 4: Wednesday 21 May

Plotting your speculative tales: All systems must go – especially the magical ones. Dramatic tension, anyone? We will consider why it’s lacking in some spec fic and how to fix your own loose beginnings, flabby middles, and weak endings.

  • Choice and consequence
  • Creating killer scenes to grab the reader by the throat (and heart)
  • Balancing action with description: the devil is in the detail

Session 5:  Wednesday 28 May

Dialogue: Look who’s talking. Students will learn techniques and cheats to crack the dialogue code, and will consider how to manage the Tower of Babel that is dialogue in speculative fiction.

  • Review of dialogue essentials
  • Finding your characters’ individual voices
  • Dialogue as plot drivers

Session 6:  Wednesday 4 June

The next draft: Outlining and organisation hacks. We will discuss self-editing and how to practice good habits to avoid having to do that extra draft.

  • When to stop writing the first draft and move on to the next draft.
  • Self-editing
  • Polishing v. revision

Session 7:  Wednesday 11 June

Workshopping intensive.

Session 8:  Wednesday 18 June

Quick fixes, troubleshooting and when to let go. We will also consider next steps, professionally, and take a look at markets, including flash fiction, poetry, comics, graphics, animation.

  • Establishing yourself as a professional writer.
  • Experimenting with a variety of forms.

Please note: the exact course content could be adjusted according to the experience and concerns of the group.

Praise for this course

“The instructors were very supportive and positive and willing to share their real-life experiences.”

“Thank you for devising a course that caters to Speculative Fiction writers.”

“I love the Faber Courses. They are excellent value for money.”


How to Book

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