
Submitting Your Novel: Blurb, Synopsis, Pitch

w/ Brooke Robinson

Writing your manuscript is only one step of the pathway to publication. For many writers, the biggest stumbling block is how to talk about their work. Finding a clear and confident way to summarise your novel when putting it in front of professionals is a skill you need to build. This practical, hands-on course will teach you the features and functions of the blurb, the synopsis, and the pitch.

Thursday December 1 – Saturday January 28

 $800 /$680 alumni



This is a past course.

All breakthrough debuts and bestsellers start out as strong pitches or query letters, successfully securing the attention of a publisher or literary agent. How do you best represent your creative work in a succinct, attractive style without losing what makes it so special in its expanded form? How do we persuasively and entertainingly describe our work to industry professionals who might be getting hundreds of pitches a year?

Working with your experienced tutor, you will develop the essential materials you will need to submit to the right people.

You will learn:

  • the basics of each format and develop a clear understanding of the difference between a blurb and a synopsis
  • what is meant by ‘comparative titles’
  • how to research where your book fits into the market.

Walking through the process of refining a synopsis and pitch will help you to focus on the saleable strengths of your final draft. You will be actively developing these practical materials throughout the course, so by the end you will have the documents you need to prepare for submitting.

At the end of the course, you will have the opportunity to have your materials copy-edited by our Editor-in-Residence.

Your course includes:

  • A complimentary copy of a recent A&U publication
  • On completion of the course, alumni discounts on future Faber Writing Academy courses and books from the Allen & Unwin website.

Writers you'll be working with:

Brooke Robinson

Brooke Robinson is an award-winning playwright turned novelist from Sydney. Her debut novel The Interpreter is published in June 2023 as a lead crime title with Harvill Secker/Vintage (Penguin Random House) in the UK and Commonwealth countries, where it was acquired in a six figure pre-empt as part of a two-book deal. Rights have also been sold in the US…

Course outline

Session 1: Thursday December 1, 6.30pm – 8.30pm (AEDT)
This introductory session will focus on developing your book’s central pitch, identifying its hook, while uncovering and articulating where it sits in the market.

Session 2:  Thursday December 8, 6.30pm – 8.30pm (AEDT)
Writing immaculate working documents: a deep structural and textual dive into writing a synopsis, blurb and query/cover letter.

Session 3:  Thursday December 15, 6.30pm – 8.30pm (AEDT)
Approaching agents: an industry-focused look into how to conduct research and how to make strategic, effective queries.

COURSE BREAK (work on materials)

Session 4:  Thursday January 19, 6.30pm – 8.30pm (AEDT)
What happens once you have your materials prepared? A practical walk-through of what happens next, everything you need to know at this stage of the path to publication, including tips and pitfalls. Rights, book deals, international opportunities, going ‘on submission’, and forging ahead without an agent.

Session 5:  Saturday January 21, 1pm – 4pm (AEDT)
This full day Saturday session is designed for workshopping and perfecting query/cover letters, blurbs and synopsis. Receive feedback from your tutor Q&A and finish the day with a guest appearance from an editor.

Session 6:  Saturday January 28, 1pm – 4pm (AEDT)
Workshopping continues and submittable materials finalised.

This course consists of 4x Thursday evening classes and 2x Saturday workshop sessions. A copy-edit service will be provided at the completion of the course for up to 2000 words of materials. The exact course content could be adjusted according to the experience and concerns of the group.

How to Book

This is a past course.